This authoritative publication delivers an in-depth examination of Guided Participation (GP), a dynamic process of teaching and learning that helps individuals become competent by providing expertise through working alongside the learner. Written for students and practitioners who wish to incorporate GP into their practice, and for managers, administrators, and policy makers who support its implementation, this resource demonstrates the value of GP as a new and emerging healthcare model that integrates care across healthcare settings. RTS incorporates GP practice into its relationship-based teaching model and bereavement care standards.
RTS Associate Director, Dr. Limbo, whose work with GP dates back to the early 90s, is one of the book’s three editors. She is also single author of one chapter and co-author of a chapter with RTS Director, Mary Beth Hensel, MBA. In her chapter, “Case Examples: Using ‘Holding in Mind’ and ‘Joining Attention’ as Relational Strategies,” Dr. Limbo explores specific GP principles to help readers adapt issues, competencies, and processes to their clinical work. Dr. Limbo and Ms. Hensel’s chapter, “Using Principles of Guided Participation to Develop and Maintain a Bereavement Program,” deftly weaves together the origins of the RTS program and Mary Beth’s MBA research project measuring the effects of RTS training. Their chapter is unique in that it provides outcomes data on RTS trainings that incorporate GP as the teaching/learning theory on which the education is based.
RTS 2353